Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hay Meadow Guide Published by KBS

Owners of native prairie hay meadows are stewards of some of the most ecologically important lands in Kansas, according to scientists at the Kansas Biological Survey at the University of Kansas. Yet hay meadows are often unrecognized and unappreciated -- which puts them at risk of being inadvertently harmed or even destroyed.
In an effort to shine more light on the importance of hay meadows, the KBS has produced a booklet, Native Prairie Hay Meadows: A Landowner's Management Guide. The guide explores hay meadow ecology; the economic and cultural importance of hay meadows; management advice for maintaining and restoring hay meadows; and land conservation options for interested landowners. The 32-page booklet features full color photography of prairie landscapes. (Click for lower resolution (2MB) - best for viewing on screen, or high resolution (10.5 MB) - best for printing.)

Friday, January 30, 2009

A State Grass for Kansas

Learn more about the initiative to make little bluestem the official state grass of Kansas.

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Gallery of Wildflowers and other Plants

More images have been added to our photo gallery. KNPS members contributed all the photos. Take a look at some of the native plants that Kansas has to offer.


Annual Wildflower Weekend Photo Gallery

If you weren't able to make it to the AWW in Hays, you missed out. We toured private land north of Hays, Cedar Bluff Reservoir and Wilson Reservoir. See pictures of KNPS members exploring these locations.
